New Practice SAT Tests from College Board Coming in February

The College Board just announced that they will be changing three of their SAT practice tests and adding a full new SAT practice test. Further details about this change are available here: Over the course of 2024, the content of the SAT tests on Bluebook has changed as the College Board has had opportunities to refine the tests based on actual student performance. Once these changes are in place, students can have more confidence that the scores they receive on their Bluebook tests will be fair representations of how they will perform on the actual SAT. These “growing pains”
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The New ACT and What to Expect

By now, many students have heard that the ACT is changing with their slow roll out of the “new ACT” starting in 2025. However, the ACT hasn’t released many details until recently. Read on to learn how each part of the ACT will be changed in this newest iteration of the old familiar test. English: The biggest change in the English section is in the wording of the questions. The old ACT often lacked what is called a question stem. In other words, there were no questions, merely a list of options. Students had to read lengthy directions at the
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Digital SAT Text Structure and Purpose Reading Practice Questions #2

1. The buying of orchids always has in it a certain speculative flavor. You have before you the brown shriveled lump of tissue, and for the rest you must trust your judgment, or the auctioneer, or your good-luck, as your taste may incline. The plant may be moribund or dead, or it may be just a respectable purchase, fair value for your money, or perhaps—for the thing has happened again and again—there slowly unfolds before the delighted eyes of the happy purchaser, day after day, some new variety, some novel richness, a strange twist of the labellum, or some subtler
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Digital SAT Standard English Conventions Questions: Punctuation #2

The following sentences are all excerpted from Jane Austin’s book “Emma”. It’s a great piece of literature that would help you improve your reading skills. If you want to read it you can find it on Project Gutenberg. 1. Mr. Knightley, a sensible man about ____________________________ not only a very old and intimate friend of the family, but particularly connected with it, as the elder brother of Isabella’s husband. Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English? A. thirty-seven or thirty-eight wasB. thirty-seven or thirty-eight, wasC thirty-seven, or thirty-eight, wasD. thirty-seven or thirty
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How Should I Study for my Standardized Test?

We don’t get this question a lot. It’s quite unfortunate. A lot of students think that since they know how to study for a test in school, they therefore know how to study for their standardized tests. However, these two types of test are very different, and so studying varies. Students should be asking how to study for standardized tests! Students will often try to study for a standardized test in one of two ways: 1. Memorize:Students will rely on good memorization skills a lot in school. Quite often, school tests are just a matter of remembering facts or math
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