The critical thinking skills that students need for one major standardized test, like the ACT or SAT, will be virtually identical to the skills they will need to succeed on other major standardized tests, like the SSAT, GRE, and GMAT. Our instructors can provide individual tutoring to students in need of help with private school and graduate school admissions tests, as well as the “alphabet soup” of other major standardized tests out there. We approach tutoring for these tests like we do tutoring for the ACT and SAT—we teach students analytical thinking by using released tests and the best materials available. Here are descriptions of the tests other than the SAT and ACT for which we can tutor students:
SSAT — This is a private school admissions test, very much like the SAT. It has Quantitative, Verbal, and Writing sections. There are versions of the SSAT given to students applying to elementary, middle , and upper (high) private school levels.
SAT Subject Tests — These are required by Ivy League schools and other selective universities in addition to the SAT or ACT. Typically, students are required to submit the results of at least two SAT Subject Tests. They are 1 hour assessments given in a variety of areas, including U.S. History, World History, Math Level 1, Math Level 2, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Literature, Spanish, French, and other world languages.
GRE — This is the major test for Graduate School admissions, and is like a more difficult version of the SAT. It has sections in Verbal Reasoning, Quantitative Reasoning, and Analytical Writing.
AP Exams — We can help you get ready for your advanced placement exam in AP Calculus, AP Physics, AP Literature, AP History, or other areas. In particular, if you are concerned about the extended response questions on the AP exams and have not done enough practice in your class, our tutors can give you the feedback and coaching you need to do your best.
IB Exams — The International Baccalaureate program gives students the opportunity to earn significant college credit, while becoming more skilled at writing and research. We can be especially helpful in tutoring you for the extended response portion of the exams.
GMAT — This is the test for graduate programs in business. If you are applying for an MBA program, this is likely the test you will take. The GMAT has sections in Analytical Writing, Integrated Reasoning, Analytical Writing, and Verbal.
MCAT — We can be most helpful to students who need assistance with the MCAT Verbal Reasoning Section.
Please use our secure registration form to sign up for tutoring. (If you are registering using a mobile device, review the tutoring options on our FAQs page.) If you would like to form a small group of students to focus on studying for one of the above tests, please contact us and we can discuss the possibilities. We can help students anywhere in the world with our online test prep tutoring. Please click here for extensive details about our online tutoring for the SSAT, SAT Subject Tests, GRE, GMAT, MCAT, AP exams and IB exams .