New Practice SAT Tests from College Board Coming in February

The College Board just announced that they will be changing three of their SAT practice tests and adding a full new SAT practice test.

  • SAT Tests 1-3 on Bluebook will be removed.
  • SAT Tests 4-6 will remain.
  • A brand new SAT Test 7 practice test will be available.
  • Tests 8-10 will incorporate material from the previous tests 1-3 along with new material.

Further details about this change are available here:

Over the course of 2024, the content of the SAT tests on Bluebook has changed as the College Board has had opportunities to refine the tests based on actual student performance. Once these changes are in place, students can have more confidence that the scores they receive on their Bluebook tests will be fair representations of how they will perform on the actual SAT.

These “growing pains” are to be expected with a major test revision. The last time the College Board made a major change to the SAT in 2016, a couple of the first practice tests they released were far more difficult than the actual tests. They updated their materials accordingly and removed tests 2 and 4 from their website and book.

Students preparing for the March SAT should use tests 4-6 for practice for now. Rather than using tests 1-3 at this time, students should wait until tests 7-10 are available so that they don’t practice with questions that will be incorporated into the updated tests.